Elysian Fields ISD
Excellence Through Teamwork
Dear Families,Thank you for your partnership this year. As you know,our students took theSTAAR tests earlier this spring. The STAAR is oneof many ways to measurestudent learning. It will help schools and teachersbetter understand wherestudents may have gaps from the disruptions to learningcaused by thepandemic. Teachers will use STAAR results along withother information toco-create learning plans with families to jumpstartlearning next year.Starting on June 28, you will be able to access yourchild’s STAAR results onTexasAssessment.gov. After visiting the site, clickthe “Find My Access Code”and enter your child’s information. This will takeyou directly to your child’sSTAAR results, which will include detailed breakdownsin each subject,identifying your child’s strengths as well as areaswhere they may needadditional support. Parents have shared that seeingwhich questions their childgot incorrect has been the most useful. You will alsosee easy to use resourcesthat can be used at home over the remainder of thesummer focused on theskills your child needs the most support with.We expect STAAR scores will likely be lower for manystudents this year. Somany of them have experienced trauma and loss in additionto the disruptionin classroom instruction. You can help ease stressby letting your child knowthat this year, STAAR is only meant to help teachersand parents bettersupport their learning.The partnership between families and schools hasnever been more important.We encourage you to log in and learn more anytimeafter June 28th. Use thisinformation along with your own observations fromthe past year and yourchild’s grades to create a learning plan with teachersin the fall to help yourchild succeed.Thank you for your partnership! We wish you and yourfamily a healthy andrestful summer.To access your child’s results, visit TexasAssessment.Gov
Click here to see how to easily access your child's STAAR scores.