Health Services

LogoElysian Fields ISD Health Services seeks to promote wellness-based school policies and practices that will improve and maintain the health and wellness of its students, employees and community. We hope the links and information on this page can help you, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns. Go Jackets!

EFISD complies with the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements incorporated in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 25 Health Services, Sections 97.61 to 97.72.

All new students will be required to present a current immunization record before a student can be registered. Students who transfer from a Texas school, will be allowed to enroll until records can be forwarded from their previous school. In the event that the required documentation is not received within 30 days from the date of enrollment, the student will be subject to delinquency guidelines.

GUIDELINES FOR DELINQUENT IMMUNIZATIONS: A letter will be sent home notifying the parent or guardian of the immunizations needed for the student to remain enrolled. If the required immunization record is not provided by the specified date, the student will be excluded from school. This also extends to transportation services.

PROVISIONAL ENROLLMENT: Provisionally enrolled students, (those who have transferred in from another Texas school, who are homeless, or who are in foster care) are given 30 days from the date of enrollment to provide a complete shot record or receive the required vaccines as fast as medically feasible. Parents or guardians may fill out an application for an affidavit for conscious exemption (link for website included below) if they wish to exempt their child from one or all immunizations. Please note that this affidavit will only be valid for a 2 year period and a new affidavit must be obtained at the point that the current affidavit expires. Note: Affidavit for Conscious Exemption on the DSHS website at

A SHAC (School Health Advisory Council) is a school board-appointed advisory group of individuals who represent different segments of the community. By law, a majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. SHACs assist the districts in ensuring that local community values are reflected in health education instruction. Additionally, SHACs can help districts meet performance goals and alleviate financial constraints. SHACs play an important role in strengthening the connection between health and learning. They can help parents and community stakeholders reinforce the knowledge and skills children need to stay healthy for a lifetime. If you are interested in joining EFISD SHAC, please contact us for more information.

Director of State & Federal Programs